
What is a non-molestation order? A non-molestation order stops anyone “associated” with you from molesting you or a relevant child. “Molestation” is …

What is a prenuptial agreement? A pre-nuptial agreement is an agreement made between two persons before their marriage that sets out how …

Applying for contact (or access) with a child or for residence (custody) of a child When parents separate, the non-resident parent, who …

Why you could be better off with a Cohabitation agreement What is a cohabitation agreement? A cohabitation agreement details the arrangements between …

When negotiating a financial settlement upon divorce the law sets out your obligation to provide full, frank and clear financial disclosure to your ex …

Parental Responsibility is defined in the Children Act 1989 as “all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority that a parent of …

Financial settlements on divorce and the factors at Section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act Why are the section 25 factors important? …

Financial Settlments on Divorce What are you entitled to financially in a divorce settlement? Divorce Settlements and Financial Disclosure – rules and …

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